Wednesday, February 26 2025

Grand Theft Auto 3 Cheats Codes

Grand Theft Auto 3

Cheat Codes:
Here are a list of cheat codes compiled from various sources for Grand Theft Auto
3 in order to help get you past those frustrating villains. For the desired affect
just type in the cheat code listed below anytime during game play.

Cheat CodesMain Cheats:
GUNSGUNSGUNS                   = Weapon Cheat
IFIWEREARICHMAN                = Money Cheat

GESUNDHEIT                     = Health Cheat
TURTOISE (or TORTOISE, in 1.1) = Armor Cheat

Weather Cheats:
ILiKESCOTLAND   = Fog Thickness Level 1
ILOVESCOTLAND   = Fog Thickness Level 2
PEASOUP         = Fog Thickness Level 3

Pedestrian Cheats:
NOBODYLIKESME    = Peds Want To Kill You
WEAPONSFORALL    = Peds Pack Heat (Carry Weapons)

Other Cheats:
NOPOLICEPLEASE   = Wanted Level Down
GIVEUSATANK      = Spawn A Tank
CORNERSLIKEMAD   = Better Driving Code
ILIKEDRESSINGUP  = Change Character
BANGBANGBANG     = Blow Up Cars Around You

Unknown Cheats:
NASTYLIMBCHEAT = Nastier Limb Removal?
MADWEATHER     = Time Speeds Up?
BOOOOORING     = Unknown (Time Slows Down?)

Grand Theft Auto 3 [hints]


D-Ice's Infernus:
To get D-Ice's Infernus in the mission, Rigged to Blow, take the Infernus to your garage and
there you go.

BF Injection:
After you complete Asuka's first mission in Staunton Island,Sayanora Salvatore the B F
Injection (which stands for Boyfriend Injection) is at Misty's Apartment in Hepburn Heights
between the times 19:00 and 5:00.

Dent Proof Sentinal:
In the mission, Bait, where the Colombian Cartels follow you to the Yakuza trap, carjack their
Sentinal and there you go. Note: There may be dents before you steal the car but if you take it
to Pay n Spray you can ram it all you want and no dents.

Bulletproof Stretch:
In the mission, Salvatores Called A Meeting, the Stretch is yours if you can get it to your
garage in Staunton Island by using the Dodo cheat. Note: This is the only bold black limo
there is in the game.

Mafia Rumpo:
In the mission, Under Surveillance, the Rumpo you must blow up isn't special but it's a Mafia

Tank for Free:
After you complete the last mission, The Exchange, the Tank in Phil's Army Surplus is free.

Bulletproof Cheetah:
In the mission, Turismo, the Cheetahs are bulletproof. Get one by running one over with a Tank
and push it back to your hideout. Do it before the Triads get mad at you. This is very hard to

Corpse Manana:
In the mission, Dead Skunk in the Trunk, there is a Manana where you can see blood leaking out
of the trunk.

Lots of Cars:
In the second part of liberty city, die. Now that you're at the hospital, go up the
stairs and go to your left, then go right and keep going down the main road (this
is the street with all those gang members with the blue trucks) until you reach the
big white building -- it's a car parking lot. Say your car is all beat up, you can
go into there and you will see all different colors of the car type that you drive
into there. This works with anything but city service cars (e.g., police, firetruck,
ambulance, etc).

Bounce Baby Bounce:
Get in a Yardie Lobo, its a purple car with an off-white top and leopard print
interior, and make it jump. It has a hydrolic system! To use it press L3, this
makes all suspension go up or down. Use the right joystick to control individual
tires, up and left for the front left tire, up for both front tires, up and right
for the upper right tire, and so on. If the suspension is up when using the right
joystick it will make the tire go down, if down it will make the tire go up.

Marathon runner:
The hero in GTA3 gets tired of sprinting after holding up and shift down too long.
To overcome this tap shift quickly and he will runner faster and longer than Forrest
Gump himself.

Unlock Staunton Island:
You have to complete the last Mafia Mission (by sinking the Cartel ship)

Unlock Shoreside Vale:
You have to finish the mission from Donald Love in wich you have to kill Kenji
of the Yakuza

Prostitute Trick:
This trick works best in the Red Light District. Get any car, except for a
police car, FBI car, Ambulance, Fire Truck or Taxi, and pull alongside the
sidewalk next to a girl wearing a Brown or Pink outfit. She will walk over
to the car and begin bending over, like she's talking to you. A few seconds
later she will get in the car. Drive to a secluded area (or your hideout)
and stop the car. Be quick about it, because your money will drain for the
amount of time she's in the car. Once the car is stopped, it will begin rocking.
It'll rock slow, then it'll get faster. Your health is replenishing, but your
money is depleting. Using the prostitute, you can get your health up to a
maximum of 125. When you reach the maximum health, she'll get out of the car.
Now, if your feeling particularly cold-blooded, you can get out of the car,
chase after the prostitute, beat her, and take your money back.

Finding the fastest car in Portland:
Stuck in Portland and can't find yourself a good car? Head to the car
dealership next to 8-ball's place and drive through the windows to find
yourself a Viper!

Make your car "fly":
With the code where the pedestrians fight, it along with the improved handling
cheat can make the car "fly". When you are at an incomplete bridge, like if
you haven't gotten to Shoreside vail from Stautan Island, you get past the
barricades, and be careful not to floor it for too long or you will lose
control (be familiar with the brakes.) But when you get to the straightaway,
floor it and dont move the keys. When you are in the air with the descent pull
the brakes back and you go even further and you land on the bridge - simply
the cheats to get all places - except you can't save.

Make you Tank really 'fly':
Activate both the improved car handling cheat and the people fistfight each
other cheat. Then spawn a tank with the tank cheat. Hop into the tank and then
twist your turret so that it is pointing towards the rear of the tank (180
degrees). When you fire the turret, it will propel you forward. Now find a
straight piece of road and start firing. After about 10 sec or so of constant
firing, your tank will begin to lift off the ground. As long as you keep tapping
the fire button, you will be able to fly your tank through the air. It's not
easy to control, but with a little work you can master manuvering. Now the
entire world is yours to explore. Caution: If you go really high, and really
far out, it will cause your game to freeze.

Bulletproof Patriot:
Complete the mission from Ray (the cop) on Stanton Island called "Marked Man"
and you will recive the keys to his stash. This contains a flamer, rocket
launcher and a lot of cash as well as a bulletproof Patriot.

Monotov Cocktail (portland):
Go through the tunnel near 8 balls place and kill the 4 tramps inside. Each
of the tamps is carrying a monotov cocktail. (They won't throw them at you
bu they will run)

Rampage Sniper Trick:
For rampages in which you are required to shoot down other gang members with
a sniper, if you release R1 after killing one and press it again after like a
split second, more targets will appear on the screen.

Car trick:
This is really a cheat, but more of an interesting thing I found. First park
a car in the garage at your hideout. Go out of it but stay close enough to it
that the door stays open. Before doing this, make sure you have full armor and
health, plus a rocket launcher. Aim the launcher at the car and fire. You'll
be propelled outside, but if you go inside the garage, the car will be good
as new, and on occassion, a different car.

Go to portland, and do all the mafia missions, get to the second level
"Staunton Island." You might remember when you took Joeys missions that
you saw a cool buggy kind of car. Well you can drive it. Go near your
hideout, to the car park near pay and spray. The gang car park between 19.00
and 00.00 its parked on the right. It does get damaged, but its engine is

Blood in German version:
If you have the German PAL Version of GTA3, select English on your playstation2
as your default language, and also choose English as your game language (default
is German). After having done this you will notice that people getting shot
bleed like hell, unlike in the censored German version, where there is no
blood at all.

Mission Cheat:
Before you accept the "Fuzz Ball" cheat, go to the shipping shipping docks.
Near there you will find two tour busses. They will enable you to pick up
alot of girls at once.

Get rid of all cars:
To get rid of all cars, including cops, FBI, and all normal cars driving around,
excluding mission cars, and parked cars, just creat about 10 tanks with the tank
cheat, for some reason the game will not load traffic and your free to do as you
please on empty roads! Use the distroy all cars cheat to undo this cheat.

Your own mp3:

In the files of GTA 3 youll see afile name mp3 copy your favourie tracks to it and
you can play your own songs by changing the radio station named mp3.


In the files of GTA 3 youll see afile name mp3 copy your favourie
tracks to it and you can play your own songs by changing the radio station
named mp3.

Find Lamar:

Go to 8-balls garage and pick up lamar and you could drive around with him the
whole game and he help you beat up gang members.

Killing Salavtore:

Go to the place of Salavtore's house in the first island and type the cheat
"bang bang bang" he and all the cars around will explode,u can do the same thing
with boats.


Don't use the tank cheat when you are in a car. The tank will appear on top the car,
causing it to explode!

Get to Shoreside Vale early:
Go in the subway by car, and being careful to miss the train, drive to about halfway
between the islands. You will come across a locked car that seems to be somehow lodged
into the wall. After you meet Ray Machowski, you can enter this car. You can then
drive forward and it appears as if you fall in to some water before landing on an
underpass. From then on, you can drive forwards and turn right for an easy entry
onto the third island.

Unlimited Health icons:
Save fifty people on paramedic missions to get unlimited health icons at your hideout.
Note This does not have to be done at once.

Immunity to flamethrower and molotov cocktails:
Use the following trick to become immune from the fires caused by the flamethrower
and molotov cocktails. Take an adrenaline pill to make the environment go into slow
motion. Equip the flamethrower or molotov and use it to set a civilian on fire. Get
close enough to the civilian and you will eventually set fire to yourself. Before the
flames on you die out, press the replay button. You can either cancel the replay or
let it finish. When the game goes back to real time, you will find yourself practically
immune from fires from both of these weapons. Note: You must press the replay button
before the fire on you dies out. Also, you will not be immune from explosions -- stay
away from burning vehicles. You can now set fire on anything that moves and you will
not get hurt in the process.

Finding prostitutes:
Wait until it is 21:00 or later at night. Go to where you get form the Shoreside Vale
bridge to the Portland Island bridge (by the park).

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